Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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273 lines
(herald port_op
(env tsys (osys buffer) (osys pool)))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
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;;;; I/O port operations
;;; General port operations.
(define-predicate port?)
(define-operation (CLOSE port) (no-value))
;;; Opening lists and strings "wins" by opening the named file.
(define-operation (MAYBE-OPEN FILESPEC MODE)
(maybe-open (->filename filespec) mode))
(define-operation (OPEN FILESPEC MODE)
(iterate loop ((fname filespec))
(cond ((maybe-open fname mode))
(receive vals (error "(OPEN '~s '~s) failed ~%~
**~10tType (RET) or (RET filespec) to retry."
(if (null? vals)
(loop filespec)
(loop (car vals))))))))
(define-operation (port-open? port) (ignore port) '#t) ;??
(define-operation (re-open port))
;;; Input operations. All input ports are expected to handle
(define-predicate INPUT-PORT?)
(define-operation (INTERACTIVE? port) nil)
(define-operation (READ-CHAR PORT)) ; MUST BE HANDLED.
(define readc read-char)
(define-operation (char-ready? port)
(let ((val (maybe-read-char port)))
(cond (val
(unread-char port)
(else '#f))))
(define-operation (maybe-read-char port)) ;++ should default be readc?
(define maybe-readc maybe-read-char)
(define-operation (UNREAD-CHAR PORT)) ; MUST BE HANDLED.
(define unreadc unread-char)
(define-operation (PEEK-CHAR PORT)
(cond ((iob? port)
(vm-peek-char port))
(let ((val (read-char port)))
(unread-char port)
(define PEEKC peek-char)
(define-operation (READ PORT)
(read-object port (port-read-table port)))
(define-settable-operation (PORT-READ-TABLE PORT))
(define SET-PORT-READ-TABLE (setter port-read-table))
;;; WITH-BUFFERS is not available in VM.
(define-operation (READ-LINE port)
(with-buffers ((buffer))
(let ((readc (if (iob? port) vm-read-char read-char))
(done (lambda () (buffer->string buffer)))) ; go to.
(iterate loop ()
(let ((ch (readc port)))
(cond ((eof? ch)
(if (buffer-empty? buffer) eof (done)))
(cond ((newline? ch) (done))
(vm-write-char buffer ch)
(define-operation (read-block port extend size))
(define-operation (clear-input port) (no-value))
;;; Output operations. All output ports are expected to handle
(define-predicate OUTPUT-PORT?)
(define-operation (print obj port)
(print-random obj port))
(define-operation (display obj port)
(print obj port))
(define-operation (print-type-string obj)
(cond ((bogus-entity? obj)
(if (procedure? (bogus-entity-procedure obj)) "Procedure" "Object"))
((procedure? obj) "Procedure")
((frame? obj) "Continuation")
((extend? obj) "Object")
;; should never fall through past reasonable? check.
(else "Random")))
(define-operation (print-info obj) '#f)
;;; What about robustness problem, i.e. errors within the printer?
;;; We have to be able to do something intelligent with pair pointer
;;; into outer space, etc. Can we hook the print operation to do
;;; reasonableness check on arg before dispatching?
(lset *print-table* nil)
(define (print-random obj port)
(cond ((not (reasonable? obj))
(format port "#{Unreasonable~_#x~x}" (descriptor->fixnum obj)))
(let ((type (print-type-string obj))
(h (object-hash obj))
(id (or (print-info obj) (identification obj))))
(if id
(format port "#{~a~_~s~_~s}" type h id)
(format port "#{~a~_~s}" type h))))))
(define-operation (WRITE-CHAR PORT CHAR)) ; must be handled.
(define WRITEC write-char)
(define-operation (WRITE-STRING PORT STRING)
(let* ((string (enforce string? string))
(writec (if (iob? port) vm-write-char write-char))
(len (string-length string)))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx>= i len) (no-value))
(writec port (string-elt string i)))))
(define WRITES write-string)
;++ obsolete - flush later
(define-operation (WRITE-TEXT PORT TEXT)
(display text port))
(define-operation (WRITE-LINE PORT STRING)
(let ((string (enforce string? string)))
(write-string port string)
(newline port)))
(define-operation (WRITE-SPACES PORT N)
(cond ((iob? port) (vm-write-spaces port n))
(iterate loop ((i 0))
(cond ((fx>= i n) (no-value))
(space port)
(loop (fx+ i 1))))))))
(define-operation (WRITE PORT OBJ)
(print obj port)
(newline port))
(define-operation (SPACE PORT)
(cond ((or (fx>= (hpos port) (line-length port))
(fx>= (hpos port) (wrap-column port)))
(newline port))
(write-char port #\space))))
;;; This should be the only place in the system where
;;; #\NEWLINE is written to a port.
(define-operation (newline port)
(write-char port #\newline))
(define NEW-LINE newline)
(define-operation (FRESHLINE port)
(if (fx> (hpos port) 0) (newline port)))
(define FRESH-LINE freshline)
;;; Presumably ok to ignore.
(define-operation (FORCE-OUTPUT port) nil)
(define-settable-operation (PORT-NAME PORT) 'anonymous)
(define set-port-name (setter port-name))
(define-operation (port->IOB port) nil)
;++ What about FILEPOS and SET-FILEPOS? last-modified time?
;++ Name some other operations that should be supported.
;;; Other random stuff.
(define-settable-operation (LINE-LENGTH port) standard-line-length)
(define SET-LINE-LENGTH (setter line-length))
(define-settable-operation (WRAP-COLUMN port) standard-wrap-column)
(define SET-WRAP-COLUMN (setter wrap-column))
;;; force fresh-line to do newline
(define hpos
(operation (lambda (port) (ignore port) 1) ; force fresh-line to do newline
((setter self) set-hpos)))
(define-operation (set-hpos port pos)
(let ((pos (enforce fixnum? pos))
(p (cond ((fx> (hpos port) pos) (newline port) 0)
(else (hpos port)))))
(write-spaces port (fx- pos p))))
(define VPOS
(operation (lambda (port) (ignore port) 1)
((setter self) set-vpos)))
(define-operation (SET-VPOS PORT POS)
(let ((pos (enforce fixnum? pos))
(v (vpos port)))
(do ((v v (fx+ v 1)))
((fx>= v pos) pos)
(newline port))))
;;; Other random operations.
(define-settable-operation (FILE-POSITION PORT))
(define SET-FILE-POSITION (setter file-position))
(define-predicate OUTPUT-WIDTH-PORT?)
(define-operation (PRINT-WIDTH OBJ)
(with-output-width-port port (print obj port)))
(define-operation (DISPLAY-WIDTH OBJ)
(with-output-width-port port (display obj port)))
(define-unimplemented (WRITE-ELIDED PORT OBJ LIMIT))